The Tattoos have kept the fish count volume set by the breathtaking pace of Dem Ones, averaging over thirty (count 'em!) fish per boat (that's 15 per fisherperson for anyone mathematically challenged--a BIG number!) with the Blackfoot River finally opening up. The Bitterroot river has yet to make an appearance in E-16, but is any day now from exploding with golden stones and resulting majestic fish. The SS Rodgers led the pack with over 50 fish aboard, followed closely by the tag team of "Montana Tim" and Gary "Big Cheese" Edwards.
Novelty went out to my co-National Wildlife Federation Houston board member, Mary Van Kerrebrook who took to her book and a kayak a-pacing her son Bob's boat where, on his second day of fly fishing ever, he boated (again!) over 20 trout.
Other big fish were accounted for via Day One Yellow Hat winner Adam "Iron Man" Eichorn with his 19 1/2" bow and Brad "Maven" Miller with his 18 1/4" trophy--his son Jack being nicknamed "Zorro" that day by Extravaganza veteran guide Brian Grand due to the caped crusader's propensity to make zees in the air as he nonetheless accurately casts! Watching it all is the father-son tag team of "Good Earth A'" and "Son of Good Earth" Dakota Baylacq who, this Extravaganza, have specialized in smaller fish, but nonetheless in the 20+ volume quantity.
The Tattoos are currently on the water mid-way through their third and final day and I am sure Da Gov is going to be following this blog to see what this wonderful day has to unfold for this special group.
Best to all from the scene of it all,
Rock Creek Ron
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