Greetings all on the eve of my again going to Patagonia, Chile, to fish (again!) with the great Magic Waters guides!
As we move the E-16 ball further down the court, I am pleased to report that Groups One and Three are now 100% subscribed and, with respect to the few openings yet left in Group Two, I had lunch yesterday with veteran Tattooer Joe “Compari” Ciatti and we have developed a fun game plan to run the tables and fill out the balance of the Extravaganza 2016 dance card.
As we do every year, we now begin to watch and monitor the snowpack in the upper climes of the western Montana mountains and the volume and the water density of that accumulation will directly impact our June fishing. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks prints an award-winning magazine, Montana Outdoors, that highlights it management of the flora and fauna of the great state of Montana—it is a bargain and, simply stated, something that you should consider subscribing to for $2.00/issue. It contains a wide-range of articles, a copy of one from the latest issue is attached for your reading enjoyment.
In addition to the well-written editorial piece my good friend FWP Executive Director Jeff Hagener (who has attend the last six + of our Extravaganzas), I have attached an interesting article explaining just how the snow level and density data is accumulated and calculated. My numbers that come to you are from the SNOTEL source described in this writing which, as of today, report that our E-16 targeted Bitterroot River Basin is tracking at 97% of the 20 year average to-date water precipitation and contains a water content equal to 91% of 20 year mean averages—which is absolutely fantastic for those of us (very) interested fisherfolk!
Things are really heating up here at E-16 Command Center as we begin dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s for this year’s event. If you have not done so already, NOW is the time to procure your flight reservations to/fro MSO, and NOW is the time to begin dreaming at night of all of the wonderful visages and smells that E-16 will soon bring your way!
Best to all mid-preparation of it all,
Rock Creek Ron
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